Little Flower Convent, Hanumangahh Jn

Place : Hanumangahh Jn
Established Year: 1999
Address: Little Flower Convent , By Pass Road, Hanumangarh Rajasthan
Pin: 335512
Phone: 01522-268557 9462727621

As the CST Fathers wanted the presence of FCC in their mission stations, to witness Jesus through teaching, healing ministry, social work and house visiting, they asked us to open another house in Hanumangarh which is very close to Suratgarh. Thus another house was opened in this area in 14th March 1999. The sisters take special interest in the spiritual life of the Catholics who came there for various jobs. Sisters teach in the school and help in the parish. This house is a formation house. This station comes under Jaipur Diocese.

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